Goal Setting

I really love lists. They are all over my life; in random notebooks all over the house, on the fridge, in my purse… I keep them in my day planner, the notebook for food/life tracking, this blog, my phone, my laptop…. Lists are my sanity. There is something crazy satisfying about writing things down and then getting to cross them off as they are accomplished. I think that is why I like setting goals so much!

Exactly two weeks ago I started my food/life tracking notebook, and I started off with a few goals to check in on:

– Drink lemon water in the morning for 2 weeks straight
– Fit into my green Victoria’s Secret bathing suit bottoms
– Be a size 8 in Lulu Lemon bottoms
– Be 155 lbs
– 7 days of 100% clean eating
– 7 days of 100% paleo eating
– Fit into my new (last year) American Eagle shorts with no “spill over”
– Get past Week 1 of Couch to 5 K

Today I get to cross one off the list!

-Drink lemon water in the morning for 2 weeks straight

Stay tuned for a post on the benefits of starting your day with lemon water and if I’ve seen results or not.

Since I got to cross a goal off my list, I’m going to add another!

– Drink 1 1/2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before dinner for 3 weeks straight

I started doing this 2 nights ago, and from what I’ve read it takes about 2 weeks to start reaping the benefits.

I think that goals give us a purpose, something to strive for, and a reason to push ourselves just a little bit.

What are some goals you are working on attaining right now?

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1 Response to Goal Setting

  1. Ooooh I’m super curious about the lemon water! Tell me more!
    I love lists too, Will always makes fun of me for making them, then leaving them all over the place.
    Goals for me right now: finish my 50 day run streak (40 days to go!!), keep strength training 3X/week, and fit into my stupid jeans!!

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